Return to flying …

After many weeks of being grounded, we are looking forward to getting our passengers back in the air. Flights will resume from 19 June.
During our shutdown we have been undertaking maintenance and deep cleaning of our balloon baskets and vehicles and doing some training flights over different parts of Canberra. Thank you to everyone for your enthusiastic response both in person and on social media when you’ve seen our training balloon over the last couple weeks.
When we return to flying there will be some small changes and unfortunately we are not able to offer the optional Hyatt breakfast or champagne in the short term. Non alcoholic beverages will be served after the flight.
We will have bigger baskets so that passengers will have more room than before. You will be sharing a balloon but you are outside in the fresh air.
To help stop the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Balloon Aloft Canberra are implementing the following.
- On arrival at the Hyatt (our meeting point) each passenger’s temperature will be checked with an infrared thermometer. Passengers with a temperature of 37.5 or over will not be able to fly and are advised to self isolate and seek medical advice.
- Passengers will be required to complete a COVID-19 health declaration as part of our check in procedure.
- During the flight passengers are encouraged to look outside and limit face to face contact with other passengers.
- Alcohol based hand sanitiser and (optional) disposable face masks will be available for passengers.
- All vehicles and equipment will be cleaned prior to each flight.
- Balloon Aloft staff have undertaken COVID-19 infection control training and will follow the Balloon Aloft Canberra COVID-19 Safe Workplace Procedures.
We look forward welcoming you back aboard our beautiful sunrise balloon flights over Canberra. To schedule your flight please phone our friendly reservations team on 02 6249 8660.